How to Write a Press Release

How to Write a Press Release [Free Template]

A press release is a simple way to generate media interest in your product, service, or company.

You’ve probably heard of press releases or news releases if you’re a business owner. But what are they, and how can they benefit your business?

Almost every business will, at some point, need to write a press release.

If you want to get noticed by journalists and news outlets, you must know how to write a press release. A press release is a short, compelling news story written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted media outlets.

What is a press release/news release?

A press release is a statement issued to the media that provides information on a particular event, product, or service. A news release is similar to a press release, but a government agency or non-profit organization typically issues it.

A news release is typically written by a public relations representative and sent to media outlets to promote their client’s or employer’s newsworthy accomplishment, product launch, event, or other development.

Press and news releases can be a great way to generate publicity for your business.

Types of Press Releases

There are different types of press releases for various purposes. Here are some of the most common types:

1. Product Press Release

A product press release is used to announce a new product or an update to an existing product. This press release is usually sent to media outlets and posted on the company’s website.

2. Event Press Release

An event press release promotes an upcoming event, such as a conference, workshop, or grand opening. This press release is usually sent to media outlets and may be posted on the company’s website.

3. Executive Appointment Press Release

An executive appointment press release is used to announce a new executive appointment, such as a new CEO or President. This press release is usually sent to media outlets and may be posted on the company’s website.

4. Financial Press Release

A financial press release announces financial results, such as quarterly earnings or annual revenue. This press release is usually sent to media outlets and may be posted on the company’s website.

5. Crisis Management Press Release

A crisis management press release is used in the event of a crisis, such as a natural disaster, product recall, or data breach. This press release is usually sent to media outlets and may be posted on the company’s website.

How to Write a Press Release

A press release is a short, compelling news story written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media. The goal of a press release is to pique the interest of a journalist or editor, who will then cover the story, helping to promote the organization or individual.

Press releases follow a well-defined format that includes the following:

  • A catchy headline
  • A lead paragraph that summarizes the story
  • The body of the press release, which provides more details
  • A boilerplate – a short, standard bio that journalists can use

Here are a few tips for writing a successful press release:

  1. Keep it short and to the point. Journalists are busy and will not read an extended, rambling press release.
  2. Write in a journalistic style – in other words, use the third person and present tense.
  3. Use quotes liberally to add interest.
  4. Include all the essential details, such as dates, times, locations, etc.
  5. Use active voice – it’s more interesting than passive voice.
  6. Use short, punchy sentences.
  7. Make sure all the information in the press release is accurate.
  8. Include contact information so journalists can follow up with questions.
  9. Send the press release to targeted journalists who are likely interested in the story.
  10. Follow up with a phone call or email to ensure the journalist received the press release and answer any questions.

Download Now: Free Press Release Template

If you are looking for a press release template, look no further! Our team has designed a user-friendly template to make your next press release look professional and polished.

Download our free press release template to help you format your next press release for maximum impact!

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Tips for Publishing Press Releases

If you want to publish your press release, you can do a few things to improve your chances. Here are some tips:

1. Make sure your press release is newsworthy. It may seem obvious, but many press releases are nothing more than thinly-veiled advertisements. If there’s no news value to your press release, it’s unlikely to be picked up by the media.

2. Keep it short and to the point. Most journalists are extremely busy and don’t have time to wade through long, drawn-out press releases. Get your point across quickly and concisely.

3. Write in a journalistic style. It means using short, punchy sentences and avoiding marketing jargon.

4. Include quotes. Journalists love quotes adding credibility, and providing a different perspective on your story.

5. Target your press release. Don’t just send your press release to every media outlet you know. Do your research and target the outlets that are most likely to be interested in your story.

6. Follow up. After you’ve sent out your press release, follow up with the journalists you’ve contacted. A polite phone call or email can go a long way in getting your press release noticed.

How To Stand Out In The News

If you want your press release to stand out from the crowd, you need to make it newsworthy. Here are some tips on how to do that:

  • Write a catchy headline.
  • Make sure your release is newsworthy.
  • Keep it short and to the point.
  • Use quotes liberally.
  • Use strong verbs.
  • Include a relevant photo.
  • Distribute your release through a reputable service.


After you have written your press release, read it over a few times to ensure no errors. Once you are happy with it, submit it to a few different press release websites. It will help to ensure that your press release gets seen by a broad audience.

If you follow the tips in this article, you should be able to write a press release that will get the media’s attention.

Remember to keep it newsworthy and target the right audience. Your press release can help you spread the word about your business with effort.

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